Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back in Black! (Ok, so we're still in the red)

I'll begin by saying I do not even like AC/DC all that much, but that is not what I want to vent about right now.

I read this today and begin to think about exactly what could be done at this juncture to stop this money from being spent, or how to at least reclaim this kind of future investment (read: money we done stole from our kids) effectively. The answer I came up with is ironically what the banks are doing anyways by investing in other smaller assets to protect their own interests. Congress is irritated at Paulson for this fact, but since they gave him control of the $$$ and he has no real controls on how the money is spent after it leaves his hands then who is really to blame? How about the people who passed the damn thing?

Banks strengthening themselves with this money is the only way they will be able to pay it back, and if the banks are stronger then your investments will be stronger and eventually it will have a large enough impact on the economy to hit the consumer/homeowner/lender. At least that is my current thought.


You'd probably do the same thing they are doing and so would I.

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